President Yoweri Museveni has urged Ugandans to always report corrupt government officials as a measure to stamp out corrution which he says has been a big factor in delaying social-economic transformation of society.
In a dozzier addressed to Ugandans, the president noted that since his government came into power 37 years ago, the country has been the right track but blamed careerist politicians and civil servants who introduced corruption in the process of implimentaion of government programmes, resulting into the suffering of innocent people.
“All these wealth creators are suffering because of the parasites in the form of some corrupt civil servants and politicians. However, the suffering is artificial. It is the victims of corruption who do not report. If they report, they will be crashed” Museveni said.
Museveni’s remarks come at a time when the issue of corruption dominates public debate with top government officials implicated in several corruption scandals. He said it is “a great shame” and betrayal that people elected into offices become corrupt and steal government money, taking bribes to provide services, etc.
Describing the corrupt as patasites, Museveni said without corruption, his government could have achieved everything they aim at. He noted that foreign investors and other service providers are harrassed by the “parasites” and such acts of corruption should not be toletated.
“These should not be tolerated and will not be tolerated. Otherwise the sky is the limit” he stated.