Journalist brutally killed in Eastern DR Congo

Journalist brutally killed in DR Congo ; Courtesy Photo

A journalist for DR Congo’s national broadcaster had his throat slit in North Kivu in the country’s east -Kenyan media reported on Sunday.

Heritier Magayane, 26, working for Radio Television nationale congolaise in Rutshuru territory since 2018 was killed as clashes involving armed groups in the region continue after years of conflict.

Nation media says Magayane received a phone call from someone who arranged a place to meet him and that’s where he was killed overnight Saturday. Luc Albert Bakole Nyengeke, Rutshuru’s military administrator, confirmed this report according to Nation.

The region is plagued by various armed groups but the area where he was killed was controlled by the Congolese army, he said, adding a probe was underway on Sunday.

Magayane’s colleague Sebyeradu said he thought his murder could be linked to his work. “After killing him they even took his phone,” he said. Magayane fronted programmes for young people, advising them to “make room for peace” in a deeply unstable region, he added.

North Kivu and neighbouring Ituri have been in a state of siege for three months, the strongest measure under the constitution, as the government tries to end endemic insecurity in the east.

Meanwhile, the DR Congo’s press organization, Union de la presse du Congo (UNPC), on August 4 asked all journalists to obtain press cards, which confirm holders are professionals.

According to a UNPC press release, some people in the Kasai Oriental region in central DRC use the term “press” even though they are neither affiliated with any media house nor self-employed.

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