The Government Chief Whip, Hon. Hamson Obua on Saturday engaged local leaders and stakeholders at the Alebtong District Headquarters on the wealth creation initiatives aimed at improving livelihoods in the region and the country.
They deliberated on government programs, including the Parish Development Model, Emyooga, the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP), the Youth Livelihood Program, the Special Grant for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), and the Special Grant for Older Persons.
Hon. Obua emphasized the need for leaders to mobilize communities to fully participate in these initiatives and address existing challenges.
He highlighted critical gaps observed during the presidential zonal regional tour, particularly under the Emyooga program, where many Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) were struggling with incomplete membership and low absorption of available funds.
“In Ajuri County, out of the 18 SACCOs formed, some are not fully constituted at the sub-county level. For instance, the Ajuri Carpenters SACCO has only three registered associations out of the seven sub-counties and one town council, leaving some areas outside the money economy,” Obua noted.
He also pointed out that many SACCOs had remained stagnant at the initial capital of UGX 30 million, with leader SACCOs at UGX 50 million, despite opportunities for additional funding based on performance assessments.
“We must speak to our people to ensure that they access and utilize the funds effectively. Once they distribute and start repaying, they qualify for further assessments, audits, and additional capital. Unfortunately, many are stuck at the initial funding level,” he said.
Hon. Obua called on local leaders to work collectively in mobilizing communities to embrace these programs and ensure maximum benefit from government interventions.
He was accompanied by the District Woman MP, Dorcus Acen and local leaders from the district.