‘UPC Iron Lady’ Hon. Cecilia Atim Ogwal dies at 77 years

Veteran opposition legislator Cecilia Ogwal, has died.

The news of Cecilia Ogwal’s death were confirmed on Thursday morning by the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Among. Among indicated that Cecilia passed on in India where she had been evacuated for specialized medical care.

“I am here with a heavyy heart, to officially announce to you, the untimely and painful demise of Hon. Atim Ogwal Cecilia Barbara..”

Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal has been serving as the Dokolo Woman MP and politicians across the country have paid tribute to the contribution of the ‘UPC Iron Lady’ to the politics of modern Uganda.

Hon. Cecilia Ogwal had a long distinguished public service career dating back to about 1979 when she was involved in Foreign Service and thereafter she served in various capacities in numerous public enterprises notably; the Advisory Board on Trade, Housing Finance Bank and Uganda Development Bank.

Speaker Among described Cecilia Ogwal an accomplished accountant whose knowledge of finances grossly informed her legislative input in various laws and budgetray processes.

“She became the Secretary General of the Uganda People’s Congress in 1985. Throughout her distinguished service to the legislature, Hon. Atim Cecilia stood for constitutionalism, the rule of law, human rights, equity and inclusivity and tirelessly worked for the dignity of all Ugandans irrespective of tribe, religion, region, age and gender.” Among stated in a social media message posted on X formerly known as Twitter.

Hon. Cecilia Ogwal represented Lira Municipality from 1996 to 2006. And later represented Dokolo District from August 2006 till her death.

The deceased also represented Uganda at the Pan African Parliament in the 9th Parliament (2011-2016).

“As the head of the Legislature and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Commission, I together with the family, will ensure the expeditious repatriation the her remains to Uganda. When and I received the news of your terminal illness last week, we hoped that you would have a few more months to bid us a quiet farewell. It saddens us that we did not have the chance to physically say goodbye,” said Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa when the news broke of the passing on of the Dokolo District Woman MP early today.

“You have left us during a time when we needed you the most. This loss is deeply felt, not only by Uganda, but by the entire world, especially the parliamentary fraternity. Your death is truly heartbreaking. You were instrumental in guiding and shaping local leaders, as well as advocating for a just global agenda where the voice of the global south was heard especially in the OACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. Your remarkable contributions will forever be etched in the annals of history,” Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa said in trubute.

Works Minister and former Army and Police commander Gen Katumba Wamala said, “We have just received the sad news of the demise of Hon. Cecilia Ogwal. A lady who loved her country with passion. A nationalist who looked beyond party colors when addressing national issues whether locally or while in international fora. We have lost a political icon!”

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