Parliamentarians pay glowing tribute to former Minister Henry Kyemba

Parliament of Uganda today adopted a motion to pay tribute to the late, Hon. Henry Kyemba. Kyemba, who legislators described as an impeccable, flawless, and patriotic civil servant.

In a special sitting presided over by Deputy speaker Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa, legislators paid glowing tribute to the former Minister Late Henry Kyemba who served during both Dr. Milton Obote and Idi Amin governments of 60’s and 70’s but also served in several capacities in the current National Resistance Movement government.

Well known for his book “State of Blood” in which he exposed the attrocities of the Idi Amin regime, Hon. Henry Kyemba was hailed for having an impeccable integrity and stood his ground for the good of the people even when serving during difficult times.

In a special sitting on Tuesday, the First Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for East African Community Affairs, Rt Hon. Rebecca Kadaga moved a motion to pay tribute to the late, Hon. Henry Kyemba who she described as a distinguished statesman and a great leader who should be emulated.

“Kyemba was a firm advocate and promoter of democracy, good governance, peace, rule of law, respect for Human rights, access to justice for all and strengthening public administration, ideas he illustrated in his book “State of Blood” Kadaga said.

The Leader of Opposition in Parliament Hon. Mathias Mpuuga who seconded the motion to honor Hon. Kyemba, said his (Kyemba)’s life is a testament to the notion that public service is noble and he did tremendously well along the journey.

The tributes kept flowing during an extended session for eight hours as legislators one after another extolled Kyemba’s legacy of an impeccable record of civil and political service without a scandal.

The 3rd Deputy PM, Rukia Isanga Nakadama eulogized Hon. Kyemba as a peace-loving person who practiced mature politics.

Hon. Abdu Katuntu: Hon. Kyemba was soft-spoken; he was not a good orator but he was a communicator who was very knowledgeable. That is an encyclopedia lying in the coffin today.

Hon. Naome Kabasharira (Rushenyi County): Kyemba was a neat and smart gentleman, while Hon James Magode, the State Minister for EAC Affairs, said Kyemba has left a great mark, especially with his book “The State of Blood” which he said helped them to fight Idi Amin.

Dokolo District Woman MP, Hon. Cecilia Ogwal praises the late Kyemba for saving her husband’s life during the Idi Amin’s regime. Can the gov’t utilize the wealth of knowledge that such people have? These people sat down to talk about Uganda would give us good advice. We need a genuine council of elders to guide this gov’t on how to move forward.

Hon. Nathan Nabeta: Hon. Kyemba held a flag for us; he was the last man standing and now he is fallen.

Kyemba who hails from Busoga sub-region died last week at the age of 84. In honor of the late, President Yoweri Museveni ordered that Kyemba should be given an official burial at a function expected to take place on Thursday.

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