Makerere University VC suspends 3 Students vying for guild leadership on NUP ticket

The Vice Chancellor for Makerere University, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe, has suspended Three (3) National Unity Platform (NUP) guild aspirants, allegedly for involving in acts of indiscpline.

The suspended aspirants are Bbosa Edrine Price, Mwesigwa Calvin Mugambwa and Katusabe Kenneth.

According to Prof. Nawangwe, the trio were involved in acts of indiscipline that are in breach of the Makerere University students regulations when they organized an assembly at the University on Friday which culminated into their arrest as students tried to access freedom square where NUP had organized a general assembly ahead of guild elections.

Nawangwe says these were involved in acts of indiscipline that are in breach of the Makerere University students regulations.

“Because of your continued involvement in the above offensive acts and in order to ensure safety and security of our students, the university community as well as a conducive teaching and learning for scholarship we cannot tolerate anyone who ruins this environment. I hereby suspend you from Makerere University with immediate effect until further notice.” Part of the suspension letters reads.

National Unity Platform Makerere chapter called for a general assembly on Friday June 24th 2022 in preparation for the forthcoming guild elections. However, police blocked the entrance to the freedom square on grounds that the assembly was illegal.

The NUP party national leadership has since kicked off an advocacy campaign to push for reinstatement of the 3 party aspirants claiming that the suspension is part a wider clampdown on its supporters by the government in power and its functionalies.

On the party’s online platforms, the NUP leadersgip including NUP president Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi contend that the students were arrested while trying to hold a peaceful assembly.

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