The government of Uganda has appealed to school authorities across the country to impliment strict adherence to SOPs including avoiding congestion in classes, regular handwashing and face masks by learners at all times, as a means to mitigate the effects of influenza outbreak in school-going children.
The appeal follows a decleration by the health ministry of Influenza A & B outbreak in Uganda, which mainly affect children of school-going age. The decleration follows reports of persistent flu and cough in school children countrywide which prompted authorities to investigate the matter.
In a joint statement from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education & Sports issued on Thursday March 16, 2022, government confirmed the outbreak of Influenza A & B especially in schools.
According to the statement, the decleration of Influenza A & B follows laboratory analysis of Oropharngeal samples taken from students of a school in Wakiso District which came out positive. The investigations conducted on 198 samples collected by MOH teams between February 22 and 27 this year confirmed that 58 of the kids had influenza A, and 2 had influenza B contrary to initial fears that the learners were infected with COVID.
Now, the ministries say, school’s authorities should strongly impliment adherence to SOPs such as use of face masks at all times, hand hygiene in classes, dormitories and all service points, as well as improved early reporting and follow-up of cases. The school administrators have also been advised to avoid overcrowding in schools by bringing people outside the school environment.
Authorities also advised school’s administrators to utilize the double shift system to reduce congestion and students should maintain respiratory etiquette of covering their mouth when coughing and sneezing. Schools should also keep learners hydrated by taking plenty of water or juice.
Symptoms of Influenza A or B include Flu, Fever, pain in joints and Headache.
However, the statement notes that government does not recommend closure of any learning institution due to the outbreak without the approval of the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the Ministry of Education & Sports.
The public has also been called on to remain calm and vigilant in the wake of the Influenza outbreak as the country remains alert to avert potential resurgence of COVID-19.
From the statement, whereas the cases and clusters of influenza are still appearing, available data from MOH District Information System shows that the peak of these clusters has not been superceded.