HESFB LISTS: Successful applicants for Gov’t Study Loans for Academic year 2021/22

The Higher Education Students Financing Board (HESFBUG) has today released the 8th Cohort Lot I list of successful applicants for study loans for the Academic Year 2021/22, under government study loan scheme.

From the list released today, out of the 4,797 applications received by the Board, 920 students have been found to qualify and awarded financial support. Out of the 920 successful applicants in Lot 1, 464 (50.4%) are males while 456 (49.6%) are females.

Lot 1 institutions include; African Bible University, Bugema University, ISBAT University, Islamic University in Uganda, Kampala International University, Kampala University, Mountains of the Moon University, Ndejje University, Bishop Stuart University, Nkumba University, Uganda Christian University, Uganda Martyrs University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Kabale University, Busitema University, and Muni University.

HESFB Executive Director Michael Wanyama noted that the Board shall inform the public about the total number of all loan applicants and loan awards for the Academic year 2021/22 after processing the remaining Lot II loan applications.

Click the link bellow and Open the attached PDF document to access the list of SUCCESSFUL LOAN BENEFICIARIES in Lot I:

Succesful Loan Scheme Beneficiaries -Undergraduate DEGREE (Lot 1)

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