The Archbishop of Church of Uganda (COU) Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu has extolled “scientific” weddings saying they are not only stress free but also real Christian weddings.
The Archbishop’s remarks were in relation to wedding ceremonies where only a few and most important people are allowed to attend -the kind of wedding ceremonies recently witnessed in Uganda in the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a letter he wrote to Christians and the clergy hours after government extended the nationwide lockdown by 14 more days, Dr. Kaziimba encouraged Ugandans who have delayed weddings, to consider holding scientific weddings. He said such weddings reflect the true definition of Christian weddings.
The archbishop quoted Canon 2.36.2 of the Church of Uganda which prescribes that marriages shall be solemnized in presence of at-least six people, further confirming that holding weddings does not require huge gatherings.
“I can personally testify to the goodness of the Lord in such weddings, because my own son wed on 18th April in a scientific and Christian wedding” Dr. Mugalu said.
He says this was not a wedding the families on both sides imagined, but the couple experienced no stress, and neither of the two families has a debt as a result of organization costs.
“Another unexpected blessing was reduced stress for all of us and no one has a debt” he wrote. “So, I want to encourage those who have delayed getting married because of the cost to do it.”
Dr. Kaziimba Mugalu appreciated all Ugandans who have patiently endured the COVID-19 pandemic with great sacrifice, but warned that the country is not likely to return to “Business as usual” even when the lockdown is lifted.
Archbishop Kaziimba Mugalu advised families to use the lockdown period to deepen and strengthen family relationships. He however noted with concern the trend of increased cases of gender-based violence, and called upon Church leaders to support survivors with compassion and pastoral support.
He appealed to Churches to develop programmes that will teach families better communication and conflict resolution skills, in order to avert violence in homes.
To Christians, Mugalu called for observance of worship from home, family prayers, bible reading sessions and daily family altar.
Dr. Kaziimba encouraged bishops and clergy to organize call-in programmes to give Christians an opportunity to ask spiritual questions and receive answers. He also appealed to media houses to avail airtime because of the value in providing such a community service.