Kabaka Mutebi rallies his subjects against spread of coronavirus

His Royal Highness the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi speaking from his palace in Kampala; Courtesy Photo

His highness the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi has urged his subjects to adhere to the guidelines issued by authorities in Uganda as part of the measures to fight coronavirus.

In a televised address delivered from his Mengo Palace in Kampala, the Kabaka said 75 percent of diseases in Uganda are hygiene-related and therefore asked public to maintain a high level of hygiene even after the pandemic has gone.

Kabaka Mutebi conveyed sympathy to the victims affected by the pandemic and thanked the health workers on the frontline in the fight against coronavirus.

He noted that the virus can be defeated if the set guidelines are adhered to. He also appealed to parents and guardians to keep children safe and avoid gender-based violence during this crisis.

He thanked government for efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus, but appealed that workers should be facilitated and the healthcare system prioritized.

Kabaka Mutebi appreciated the WHO and MOH for the guidance and information on stopping spread of the coronavirus.

He appreciated entities and individuals who have generously contributed to the fight against coronavirus, but appealed to the business community not to take advantage of the crisis to inflate commodity prices.

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