Marriage vows are satanic – Pastor Bugingo

House of Prayer Ministries lead pastor Aloysius Bugingo; Online Photo

Controversial Pastor and proprietor of Salt Media Aloysius Bugingo has said marriage vows are Satanic, and they are the main cause of murders between married couples.

Bugingo’s latest bombshell was part of the Lunch Hour sermon he delivered to his followers at House of Prayer Ministries Int. in Kampala on Thursday.

Bugingo said he has read the bible from genesis to revelation countless times, but not found any verse supporting marriage vows. He said the vows are from hell and dared anyone challenging his assertion to produce evidence with the bible verse supporting the vows.

“There are many couples in the bible; who of them committed to such vows? Did Abrahim vow to marry Sarah, or Isaac did vow to marry Racheal?” Bugingo asked.

He said because couples are bound by the vows to only divorce spouses after one of them dies, it is the reason many have resorted to killing their spouses once a disagreement occurs in marriage.

“Think about it. people do not just kill their spouses? It is the satanic vows they made that ‘Death will do us apart,’ where is it in the bible?” Bugingo told a congregation that was at this point as cold as ice contrary to the usual applause that follow his statements.

MUST READ: I will never divorce Pr Bugingo — Teddy Naluswa

He said the Christians must know Satan brought vows to encourage murders because he (Satan) came to steal, kill and destroy.

It is not the first time Pastor Bugingo is challenging the Christian doctrine in relation to marriage following a recent incident when he removed a matrimonial ring from his finger and threw it away saying marriage rings are also satanic. He even encouraged all his followers to shun marriage rings because they are not biblical.

Bugingo was married in Church more than 29 years ago, but recently separated with his official wife before he opted to co-habit with one of his employees named Susan Makula. He has attempted to file for divorce, but his official wife Teddy Bugingo is yet to accept.


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