Fear and anxiety as Condom use in Uganda Drops

A Condom for Men; a tool in prevention of HIV/AIDS

More Ugandans are likely to contract HIV/AIDS if the current trend of declining condom use is not checked.

A recent report released by Uganda Aids Commission showed that condom use among sexually active Ugandans has continued to decline rising fears that prevalence in spread of HIV/AIDS could also rise.

While appearing on NTV on Wednesday, Daniel Byamukama, the Head of Prevention Uganda Aids Commission said since 2000, condom use in Uganda has dropped from 38 percent to 24 percent in 2018 raising fears that more people are likely to contract HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Byamukama said many Ugandans have forgotten that aids is real.

According to Dr. Byamukama, surveys have confirmed that promiscuity in Uganda has been on the rise since 2000, but condom use has drastically declined. He however said most young men are likely to use a condom which is not the case with young women, though there is a significant drop of condom use in young men.

The report shows that only 9 percent of adults that engage in extra-marital affairs beyond faithful partners do use condoms. It also shows that young women are engaging in sex with older men, yet older men and women do not like using condoms.

Consequently, Dr. Bamukama says HIV prevalence is lower in young men compared to young women.

He said, with an increasing number of people engaging in extra marital affairs, you would expect use of condoms to go up which is not the case, yet a condom is one of the best tools Uganda has for controlling HIV.

A similar trend surfaced in 2005 when government registered a sharp decline in condom use which raised calls on government to increase access to condoms, and undertaking aggressive condom promotion.

Dr. Byamukama said the commission has laid plan to embark on countywide awareness about use of condoms.

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